Gamma-BaFe2O4: a fresh playground for room temperature multiferroicity
Fabio Orlandi, Davide Delmonte, Gianluca Calestani, Enrico Cavalli, Edmondo Gilioli, Vladimir V. Shvartsman, Patrizio Graziosi, Stefano Rampino, Giulia Spaggiari, Chao Liu, Wei Ren, Silvia Picozzi, Massimo Solzi, Michele Casappa & Francesco Mezzadri
Nature Communications vol.13, 7968 (2022) - DOI:10.1038/s41467-022-35669-5
In this scientific work, involving IMEM-CNR, University di Parma and ISIS Facility (UK) as main partners, the synthesis, and space-time crystal symmetry resolution of a novel polymorph of Barium monoferrite (i.e., γ-BaFe2O4) are presented for the first time in literature.
Through a comprehensive characterization of the electric and magnetic properties, the Authors demonstrated that γ-BaFe2O4 is one of the fewest examples of multiferroic material with coexistence of magnetic and ferroelectric order well above room temperature (up to 890 K).
Moreover, the Authors demonstrated that it is possible to transfer such astonishing properties from the bulk to a polycrystalline thin film by means of Pulsed Electron Deposition (PED) technique, paving the way for a potential application in the field of electronics and/or energy.