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CER Parma 2030 Foundation established to promote energy communities in the city of Parma
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Colloid intelligence
Sala A - I° piano
Speaker/Lecturer: dr. Alessandro Chiolerio - IIT (Genova) e University of the West England (Bristol)
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International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces – ICMFS2024
Hotel Giò Conference Center, Perugia
Organization: CNR-IOM, CNR-IMEM, Associazione Petaspin
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Magneto-electric THz excitations under extreme conditions probed by THz/FIR fourier transform spectroscopy
Sala A - I° piano
Speaker/Lecturer: dr.ssa Marine Verseils - Beam Scientist at AILES, Synchrotron SOLEIL
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Toward new scientific frontiers: the role of the CNR in Trentino
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento
Organization: Area Territoriale del CNR Trento | Fondazione Bruno Kessler
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European Solar Day on 21 June: Save the Date
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The phenomenon of conversion polymorphism in bismuth-containing perovskites stabilized by high pressure
Sala A - I° piano
Speaker/Lecturer: Andrei Salak - Department of Materials and Ceramics Engineering / CICECO, University of Aveiro, Portugal
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The Rome URT of IMEM: research activities and perspectives
Speaker/Lecturer: Silvia Battistoni ( - CNR-IMEM, URT Roma
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Create by Imagining: works by "Art&Science Across Italy" students on display in Genoa
Biblioteca Universitaria di Genova, Via Balbi 40, Genova
Organization: Infn - Sezione di Genova, Università degli Studi di Genova, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, CNR-IMEM
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Business, Research, Sustainability: Info Day services and funding for Emilia-Romagna's green future
Centro Congressi Santa Elisabetta, all'interno del Campus Universitario (Parco Area delle Scienze, 95, 43124 - Parma, Pad. 13)