Knowledge Integration for Neighborhoods in Energy Transition led by Inclusive Communities (KINETIC)
The Municipality of Parma and CNR-IMEM will officially launch the KINETIC Project today, at the CNR-IMEM Conference Hall on the Parma Campus.
They will discuss:
• the Pilot Energy Community of the CAMPUS of Parma (CER-Campus)
• how to join the Project
• how Parma, Copenhagen and Bucharest will help each other to foster the success of their respective projects
• why CER-Campus is a pilot project to be replicated in the territory
• the impact of this project on the Carbon Neutrality objectives of the territory
10:00 am Introductory speeches by:
• CNR - in Parma an “open laboratory” on energy transition
• University - The Campus as engine of innovation
• Municipality of Parma: Mission 100 Carbon Neutral Cities by 2030
• Province of Parma - Alliance for Carbon Neutrality
10:45 am The KINETIC Project
• Presentation of the KINETIC project and its objectives, (EURAC Research, UniPA)
• Greetings from Copenhagen and Bucharest (Video)
11:30 am The Pilot Energy District and its Community
• Introduction: Energy Manager Municipality of Parma
• Interventions of the Stakeholders of the District and external supporters
• The Energy Community of the Campus: positive energy to share (CNR and UniPR)
12:30 pm Next steps and working methods
Very short video presentation of KINETIC within the European programme “Urban Europe”