Publications, Projects and Collaborations
IMEM Laboratory in Torino
c/o Politecnico di Torino
ChiLab - Materials and Microsystems Laboratory
Contact person: Simone L. Marasso



Simone L. Marasso, PhD is Co-author of more than 80 scientific paper (11 publications as first Author or submitting Author, and 4 as last Author) and patents covering different fields related to Lab on a Chip, micro and nano- technologies, materials, sensors and bio-sensors, engineering, chemistry, physics (ID - Scopus ID: Author ID: 18134206500, h-index=20, > 1100 citations -source:Scopus-), main keywords: Micro and Nanotechnologies for biomedical applications, Microsensors, MEMS, Lab-On-Chip, Materials and nanotechnologies for processes, cleanroom, nanomaterials, graphene, 2D materials.

[1] V. Bertana et al., “Rapid prototyping of 3D Organic Electrochemical Transistors by composite photocurable resin,” Sci. Rep., vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1–11, 2020.
[2] G. Massaglia et al., “Electrospun nanofibers: From food to energy by engineered electrodes in microbial fuel cells,” Nanomaterials, vol. 10, no. 3, 2020.
[3] F. Barbaresco, M. Cocuzza, C. F. Pirri, and S. L. Marasso, “Application of a micro free- flow electrophoresis…,” Nanomate rials, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 1–15, 2020.
[4] L. Spigarelli et al., “A passive two-way microfluidic device for low volume blood-plasma separation,” Microelectron. Eng., vol. 209, no. March, pp. 28–34, 2019.
[5] M. Quaglio et al., “A fluid dynamics perspective on material selection in microbial fuel cell-based biosensors,” Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, vol. 44, no. 9, 2019.
[6] M. Parmeggiani et al., “P3HT processing study for in-liquid EGOFET biosensors: Effects of the solvent and the surface,” Sensors, vol. 19, no. 20, p. 4497, Oct. 2019.
[7] M. Parmeggiani et al., “P3HT Processing Study for In-Liquid EGOFET Biosensors: Effects of the Solvent and the Surface,” Proceedings, 2019.
[8] L. Lunelli et al., “PDMS-based microdevices for the capture of MicroRNA biomarkers,” A ppl. Sci., vol. 10, no. 11, 2020.
[9] C. Potrich, L. Lunelli, M. Cocuzza, S. L. Marasso, C. F. Pirri, and C. Pederzolli, “Simple PDMS microdevice for biomedical applications,” Talanta, vol. 193, pp. 44–50, Feb. 2019.
[10] P. D’Angelo et al., “Scaling Organic Electrochemical Transistors Down to Nanosized Channels,” Small, vol. 1902332, p. 1902332, Aug. 2019.

More publications can be found on Scopus website.



  • Principal Investigator in the National project FISR 2020 Covid call, with the project VIRAD-C19 for the development on a rapid diagnostic microfluidic chip - status Ongoing
  • NANONOPAIN Development and realization of system for highly controlled release of drugs for treatment in situ of post-operative cutting wounds based on conducting polymer micro-chambers Project supported by POR-FESR regione Emilia Romagna. status Ongoing
  • “N-CHEM - Nanomax-integrable sensors for pathological biomarkers diagnosis” (2013-2018). Call for Proposals Italy Flagship “Nanomax (Sviluppo Di Una Piattaforma Innovativa Miniaturizzata E Completamente Automatizzata Per Diagnostica Molecolare Multiparametrica)”; other partners: CNR instutues (ISMN, IMCB, ISOF, IBB, IBF, ICRM, IMM, ITM, IC, ISMAC, SPIN, IPCM); budget: € 2.430.000
  • “RICOMINCIARE”, POR-FESR Regione Emilia Romagna 2014-2020, Teleehaabilittion post COVID-19 (ongoing project); other partners: CAMLIN GROUP LtD; budget: € 110.000.



  • PoliTo  Politecnico di Torino, Turin (Italy) ref. person Prof. C.F. Pirri
  • FBK  Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento (Italy), ref. person Dr. C. Perderzolli
  • FBK  Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Catania (Italy), ref. person Giuseppe Torrisi, PhD
  • HN  Hochschule Niederrhein, University of Applied Sciences, Krefeld (Germany) ref. person Prof. Dr. Peter Farber
  • IUT  Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan (Iran), ref. person Prof. Alireza Fadaei Tehrani