Under the ministerial project "Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e per l’Orientamento (PCTO)" (previously called Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro - ASL), students during the last three years of high school can exploit different experiences in Institutions or private companies with the aim to get a better consciousness about their own work vocations and talents and, hence, a better address for their future choices once they will be out of school.
The so called PCTOs are a programs that mix orientation activities and training for skills improvement, like social and learning skills, citizenship skills, business skills and cultural skills.
Experiences at IMEM
Since 2017 IMEM has succesfully experienced ASL ad then PCTO programs for students, fulfilling one of CNR's fundamental aims, its science dissemination plans, and student training activities. The proposed programs can involve different kind of activities, such as laboratory work, computer science, or research in the field of Materials Science, Physics and Chemistry.
Up to now IMEM collaborated with two schools in Parma: liceo scientifico G. Marconi and Scuola per l'Europa.
For further information: segreteria.imem@imem.cnr.it